Corporate IT Cyber Security​

Penetration Testing  Services

Find and fix security vulnerabilities before the hackers get to you.

Put your systems to the test and emerge stronger.

Penetration testing services, provide a powerful way to track down security vulnerabilities and fix them before the hackers find them. Think of it as ethical hacking—or a simulated attack—with a positive outcome.

As part of our penetration testing services, we actively test the current defence of your web applications, infrastructure and cloud services with both industry-leading and Peloton-developed tools and techniques, to simulate how a sophisticated threat actor could exploit any weaknesses.

Why perform penetration testing?

Point-in-time security testing through the lens of a hacker

Cover all bases​ with an integrated approach that combines multiple testing strategies

Defence through offense; test your security with real world techniques.

What to expect with Peloton penetration testing?

Peloton takes an integrated approach using our penetration testing services by combining multiple testing strategies including:

Following the test, you get a full report with remediation recommendations and actions.

The Peloton difference  

Holistic view

By taking a context-oriented approach to penetration testing, we give you the peace of mind that your whole organisation’s systems and infrastructure are tested rigorously – particularly for the lowest barriers to entry.

Expertise across multiple sectors

Having performed tests across a range of sectors—including financial services, global logistics/distribution, telco/infrastructure, local government, not-for-profit, technology and software—we know what to look for.

Think differently

Putting the human’s view on understanding the inner workings of an application, all while recognising the subtle differences or deviations in expected output, security penetration testing will yield uncommonly insightful results to potential security vulnerabilities.

Customer testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

Penetration testing is the act of targeting assets and environments using the same tactics, techniques and procedures as a typical hacker would in the wild.

Conducting penetrative testing against infrastructure and assets uncovers vulnerabilities which threat actors could discover using the same tactics, techniques and procedures.

The penetration testing process involves a detailed examination of a computer system or network to identify potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers or other malicious actors. It typically involves several phases, including reconnaissance, vulnerability identification, exploitation, and post-exploitation analysis. The goal is to provide a realistic assessment of its security posture, so that it can take steps to improve its defences and reduce the risk of a successful cyber attack.

Get started with your cyber security assessment.