Corporate IT Cyber Security​

Vulnerability Management Services

Gain a complete picture of all your assets and how they affect your cyber risk.

Strengthen your entire enterprise.

Unpatched vulnerabilities can pose a critical risk to organisations, especially those without any kind of vulnerability management system in place. They give adversaries an easy way into your systems—and, once in, they have the potential ability to move laterally in your environment.

Peloton’s vulnerability management services help detect, assess and provide remediation advice for these vulnerabilities, so you can take corrective action before they are exploited.

As part of the vulnerability management process, our consultants create a comprehensive inventory of all assets across your enterprise and how they relate to your business risk context. Through continuous network scanning and endpoint monitoring for vulnerabilities (informed by our Managed Security Operations Centre), we then work with your team to create and execute a plan for prioritised vulnerability remediation.

Why engage vulnerability management services?

Know your weaknesses with a detailed asset list, including end-of-life software. (You can’t protect what you can’t see.) 

Stay alert to critical threats with ongoing notifications and advice on zero-day vulnerabilities and the real risk to your organisation

Drive down risks on everything from cloud workloads, web applications and APIs to network devices and on-premises systems

What to expect with Peloton vulnerability management

Peloton will assess vulnerabilities and apply a risk rating based upon our own field experience in managing security incidents and the techniques used by threat actors to exploit vulnerabilities, along with the following frameworks and threat intelligence sources:

We provide a monthly vulnerability assessment and management report that contains key status, count and remediation advice for all vulnerabilities detected.

Once a year, we perform vulnerability exploitation on identified critical and high-severity vulnerabilities as part of our vulnerability risk management process.

Peloton use best-of-breed commercial tools and global vulnerability detection engines to detect vulnerabilities across the entire technology stack.

The Peloton difference   ​

Service tiers to meet ASD Essential Eight compliance

We track your vulnerability and patching compliance against two of the ASD Essential 8 mitigation strategies, including metrics on your remediation timeframes compared to ASD Essential 8 standards.

Optional vulnerability exploitation

We’ll attempt to exploit discovered vulnerabilities to provide you with the real risk to your organisation and whether a vulnerability could be exploited given your unique context and configuration.

Independent assurance on your patching efforts

We’ll measure the efficacy of your patching program and find the gaps that your patching tools are leaving behind, before they are exploited by threat actors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Vulnerability management is a multifaceted approach aimed at ensuring the reduction of cyber risks of an organisation’s IT ecosystem. It encompasses a thorough process of not only discovering vulnerabilities but also evaluating their potential impact and prioritising them based on severity. This process is followed by prompt mitigation through measures like patching, configuration adjustments and updates, all of which contribute to upholding a resilient and fortified IT infrastructure.

Vulnerability management is important as it empowers organisations to proactively counter potential threats, pre-emptively mitigating vulnerabilities and systematically shrinking the attack surface. This practice effectively curtails the likelihood of data breaches and fortifies the overarching cyber security posture. Through vigilant vulnerability management, businesses can effectively thwart evolving threats, safeguard sensitive information and cultivate a culture of resilience against ever-evolving cyber challenges.

Vulnerability management represents an ongoing process, forming an unending loop involving Discovery, Assess & Prioritise, Report, Remediate and Validate/Discovery

  • Discovery: Identify all devices, systems and applications across the entire environment. Use reliable and industry leading tools to scan and assess vulnerabilities in the identified assets.
  • Assess & Prioritise: Evaluate the severity and potential impact of each vulnerability and rank vulnerabilities based on risk to prioritise remediation efforts.
  • Reporting: Create comprehensive reports outlining the vulnerabilities, their priorities and potential impacts, and recommended actions for mitigation.
  • Remediate: Apply patches, updates and fixes, or correct misconfigurations to mitigate vulnerabilities.
  • Validate/Discovery: Re-scan, assess and verify that remediated vulnerabilities have been successfully addressed.

Strengthen your cyber security defences.